
Controversial Topic Con-A letter to Bad Rap

Dear Sir or Madam from Bad Rap,

Thank you for reading my email. After seeing your website and getting to know about your organization, I would like to say that I really appreciate what you have been doing for pit bulls and for promoting human-animal bond. In this letter, I want to express my deep understanding and thankfulness for what you have been doing in terms of educating the public about the truths of pit bulls and preventing abuse as well as discriminatory legislation toward pit bulls. However, since I also did some research about the pros of Breed Specific Legislation, I also want to say something to sure you that the supporters of BSL are not that aggressive as you may think them to be.

Firstly, I understand your opposition to Breed Specific Legislation because there is substantial evidence, including the evidence on your website, proving that “vicious dog” is socially and culturally constructed, instead of based on so-called “bad genes”. For example, in places that BSL do exist, many Animal Control officers fail to recognize the dogs that really have genes of pit bulls rather than pit bull-like looks, which indicates that the law is banning vicious dogs based on their cultural images in people’s minds, instead of bad genes. Moreover, pit bulls have been faithful family companions with affectionate personalities for quite a long time and there was nothing wrong with them in the history; things only became bad when sports magazines, hip-pop cultures and underground dog fighting constantly publicize distorted images of pit bulls, which lead to prejudice and discriminatory legislation toward them.

Secondly, I understand that though pit bulls contribute to many dog attack incidents every year in the United States, most of the times the owners, instead of the dogs, are to blame. I think you are correct in terms of owners’ responsibilities of dog attacks because researches have shown that spayed/neutered, properly socialized, and unchained family pit bulls don’t attack human beings.

Thirdly, I agree that pit bulls can be sweet family companions, and I really appreciate what you have been doing for promoting HAB between human beings and pit bulls. Many supporters of BSL argue that pit bulls choose to fight, and even if they are forced to fight, their behaviors can’t be changed once they engage in such activities. However, almost all of Michael Vick’s dogs became great family companions after being rescued and properly trained, indicating that pit bulls are not aggressive in nature; rather, they are sweet family pets.

Overall, I really would like to say that I understand your concerns with Breed Specific Legislation and with pit bulls. I think your organization’s concerns with BSL are justified because they are backed up with substantial scientific and real-world evidence. I understand and appreciate your love for pit bulls and I want to thank you for your efforts in saving and protecting these lovely creatures.

Nevertheless, I think it is necessary to understand that the opposite side is not as aggressive as you may think them to be, and that the advocacy of pit bulls’ welfare has a long way to go. While some politicians can be opportunistic on this issue, many supporters are victims of pit bull attacks and people who care about public safety, and what they want is just safety. Instead of merely stating that pit bulls are sweet and BSL is bad, I think it will be helpful to open dialogues with the opposite side and talk about alternatives to Breed Specific Laws, possible legislation of regulating owners’ behaviors, and the popularizations of safe rules related to dogs. Furthermore, continuing the work of investigating dog-fighting activities not only saves pit bulls directly, but also helps change the distorted images of pit bulls. I understand that it is not pit bulls’ fault, but we must come up with solutions to make the owners be responsible to prevent dog attacks.

Sincerely yours,

Mei Yang

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